born 1975 in Hamburg/ Germany
Mid 90th until Mid 00th Degree and Ph.D. in Law
Head of the department of Student Affairs and International Office at the Fachhochschule Dortmund/ University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund
married, two children

since 2019 Studies of fine Arts (B.F.A.) Hochschule der Bildenden Künste HBK – Essen

Degree Show, HBK Essen

Heutzutage Grau (Nowadays grey), group excibition with Joel Li Boonma, Hannes Meyer, Olga Pelster, Selina Scholinakis, Maria Pantagoutsou, HSW Uni Wuppertal
Contemporary Art Ruhr – C.A.R., Art fair in Essen
Etwas dazwischen (Something in between), group excibition Kunsthaus Mettmann
ACADEMY SELECTION 2023 – Part I “Human Society”, Galerie Kellermann, Düsseldorf/ Germany
ÜBERGANG (Transition), group exhibition with Joel Li Boonma, Hannes Meyer, Olga Pelster, DRÜB and Markenbude, Recklinghausen/ Germany

2021, 2022, 2023 Summer exhibition of the Art School HBK Essen Wuppertal

Opening exhibition HBK in Wuppertal

before 2019
various small exhibtions:
Marienhospital Herne
Finanzamt Gelsenkirchen
Bildungszentrum HÜF, Hagen
Law Firm Gigerl and Heimeshoff, Recklinghausen
Lupadesign, Dortmund